Solar electrical services

Specialising in a broad spectrum of solar consultation and installs in both the residential and commercial spaces across the Greater Sydney region

Paramount Electrical Group are experts in installing solar panels for every situation.

Whether you want to disconnect from the grid completely, store excess solar production or sell excess power you generate to the grid, we provide a wide range of services in residential and commercial solar and energy storage battery installations. 

Our expert team partner with you to provide seamless and successful delivery free of complications.

We are proud to work with all major brands in the solar business including Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Jinko, QCELL, Solaria and Serephium. We can work with all inverter brands too including Solax, INVT, Trannergy, ABB, SMA and Fronius.



Our highly skilled and expert team performs all solar maintenance and inspections as required. Solar systems are exposed to harsh conditions on a daily basis; we are aware of and have the experience needed to conduct maintenance checks, repairs, cleaning and general consulting regarding solar systems. We identify faults rapidly and solve them efficiently and effectively.


From cost savings to positive environmental impacts, the reasons to invest in solar are many. “Investing” is exactly what it is when it comes to solar, as you will gain more and more over time.

Australia has the highest uptake of solar globally, with around 30% of homes with rooftop solar PV.

As of early 2022, more than 3 million rooftop solar PV systems have been installed across Australia. The process of converting sunlight into electricity using PV systems produces zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Excess electricity can be directed into the grid (delivering a feed-in payment), or it can be stored in a rechargeable battery for later use. Batteries can also provide back-up power in the event of blackouts. A solar PV and battery system offers the potential of off-grid energy self-sufficiency. It’s also a major step in the transition away from fossil fuels.


As the cost of energy continues to rise, commercial solar has never been more accessible for Australian businesses. Solar costs are falling, and combined with government incentives, solar power is a great option for small businesses looking to achieve considerable savings, while being environmentally conscious.

From cost savings to positive environmental impacts, there are many reasons to invest in commercial solar for your building today.

Switch to solar and reduce your carbon footprint. Sunlight is free, and by using it as a natural energy source, you can help the environment by reducing your dependence on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels continue to cause damage to land, weather, sea levels and other ecological damage. Solar energy is carbon free, so if you make the switch then you are helping to reduce the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions on our planet.

The intake of solar based technologies in commercial settings will allow you to reduce your operating costs and provide positive ROI for your business.

Require our solar services? Get in touch with us

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